What is Chronic Lyme Disease Definition?

Do you know what chronic lyme disease definition is? Read more lyme disease definition, if you are not sure about lyme disease. Spirochetes as the disease-causing agent can spread and go into hiding in various organs of the patient body if the Lyme disease is not diagnosed and treated early. Patients may develop some problems with their brain and nervous system, muscles and joints ache, heart and circulation system, digestion system, reproductive system, and also skin in weeks, months, or even years later. You should know that symptoms may disappear even without treatment, but different symptoms may appear again at various times.
chronic persistent Lyme disease definition

Besides that, the chronic Lyme disease or can be called persistent Lyme disease also can occur if a patient who is treated with antibiotic regimens therapy for the disease continues to experience some symptoms and signs. This condition is also known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). It also comes with the untreated or undertreated Lyme disease condition that can cause some people to develop severe symptoms that are difficult to cure.

About 10 to 20 percent of patients who are treated with the recommended antibiotic regimens therapy will have disease symptoms that insist after their treatment is finished based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on 2012. These symptoms can include fatigue, muscle or joint aches, and cognitive dysfunction, and may last up to six months or longer. These symptoms can disturb some normal activities of a person and may cause emotional distress as an outcome.

It is not known until now why some patients may develop chronic Lyme disease while others do not. The experts are unsure as to why some patients do not fully recover from some symptoms after treatment. It is also unclear what is exactly causes the chronic symptoms. Some assume that the disease interferes the tissues and immune system of the patients so that patient's immune system continues to counter to the infection process even after the bacteria are banished. Other experts consider that the symptoms result from persistent bacteria that were not destroyed by the antibiotics regimens therapy.

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