A large number of people have zit scars. Some people have several scars and even extensive, devastating scarring. But almost everyone has at least one acne scar that they recognize. That’s because about 80% of people in the prime acne years, from about 11 to 29 or 30, will develop acne. And people older can continue to have acne for years.
The lucky ones, which don’t include me, will only get an occasional breakout. Some, which does include me, will have pretty steady acne problems as a teen or young adult. And a smaller percentage has severe acne. Acne on the back and chest is common, too; it doesn’t just hit the face.
Because so many people get acne to one degree or another, zit scars are fairly common. Not everyone who has had acne will have them, but a lot will. The scars may not be immediately noticeable to everyone else, but if you have a scar on your face and you know it’s there, it might as well have a circle drawn around it with a flashing arrow pointing it out to everyone. Because that’s how you feel about it, so it can affect the way you interact with other people.
Even if your acne scars don’t particularly bother you now, they may as you age. The scarring can lead to the skin looking older before its time and making you look older than you really are. Because the skin gets less elastic as we age, the scars can actually grow larger with time.
Most zit scars are caused from tissue being lost at the site of the pimple. They can be what’s known as ice-pick scars. An ice pick scar is a small hole that looks like it could have been made with the tip of an ice pick. The deeper the scar, usually the harder the scar tissue will be.
Another type of acne scar is a depressed fibrotic scar. These look more like larger craters in the skin as opposed to single holes. This can be fairly deep. Macules are flatter that either of these types of scars and usually not very deep, but they appear blue against the skin which makes them very noticeable. These have the potential to fade with time on their own.
All of these have the potential to damage your self-confidence and self-esteem, because some of those spring from your appearance. Women can try to cover them with makeup, and men can grow a beard, but even with these solutions the scars will still show at least a bit.
Fortunately, there are ways to minimize and remove these scars. (Also read more: tips to remove acne scars quickly). Surgeries are sometimes used for devastating scaring. Chemical peels, dermabrasion and laser treatments remove the top layer of skin to promote healing with less acne scarring. Injections can puff out the scars and give the skin a smoother appearance.
Acne scar removal cream, however, is the least expensive solution and the only non-invasive one. These creams can make a drastic difference, so they’re well worth using first before you even consider the expensive and painful methods for removing zit scars.
More information about acne treatment guide, read on Acne Advices Blog
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