Have you asked your doctor how to get rid of acne scar? Unless your doctor is a dermatologist, he or she might not have much of an answer for you. A dermatologist, on the other hand, may recommend thinks like injections, surgery, peels, lasers or dermabrasion. These are expensive, and can leave you sore while you heal.
Preventing acne scars while you can is the best way to fight the problem. If you already have scars, it’s too late for those. But do your best not to get any new ones. This starts with keeping your hands away from your face.
Our hands are dirty, and our fingernails really house bacteria. Wash your hands frequently and you minimize these things, but still you should keep your hands away from your face. Even the cleanest hands can help transfer bacteria from one place to another.
Picking a pimple is the easiest way to get a scar. It’s also putting you at risk of infection, because if certain bacteria are present on your fingernails when you pick, you can transfer that into your system and end up with an infected pimple. This type of pimple is more likely to scar than one you left alone to disappear naturally.
If you must get rid of a whitehead immediately without waiting for the natural cleansing of your face to eventually take care of it, then wash your hands thoroughly, steam your face well and cover your fingers in clean cloths or tissues. Don’t push directly on the pimple, pick it or squeeze it. But do press around the outside of it to put a little pressure on the head. If it the pus doesn’t come out easily, then go back to cleaning and steaming and try again.
Use a lightly exfoliating wash on your face, wash gently, and then use an astringent and a moisturizer. A good cleaning and moisturizing regimen can help reduce acne. When you have an open pimple, use some sort of antibacterial ointment to help heal it quickly and keep it from getting infected.
Once you have scars, there are some things you can do to minimize and erase them. You can find all sorts of natural remedies on how to get rid of pimple scars. A variety of natural remedies can help minimize scarring. Lemon is full of salicylic acid. Rubbing this on a scar will help to remove the upper layer of skin so that new skin growth is stimulated. This can help smooth the appearance of a scar. Be sure to moisturize very well to counter the lemon’s drying effects.
Plain yogurt applied a couple of times a day moisturizes and helps scars fade. Aloe vera is also a popular moisturizing remedy for fading scars, along with cocoa butter.
But for the best long-term effects in how to get rid of acne scar, an acne scar removal cream is the best remedy. You can go through pain and spend lots of money on treatments and surgery, or use a cream daily and watch your scars gradually disappear for good.
👉 Also read: Tips to Remove Acne Scars 👈
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